Hello lovely Riff Raffians, I hope you’re all well and not yet frozen! A quick little post to remind you all that I’ll be baking Monday and Thursday as usual next week, the 20th and 23rd. If you’d like some fresh bread make sure you place your orders a few days before to ensure you get your loaf! Perfect soup weather coming up so I thought I’d share one of my favorite soup recipes to go with your Riff Raff Sourdough :) Best Soup Recipe!
Thank you all for your suggestions on the bread cupboard name, he officially has a name, after my Grandpa Fritz who loved to feed the birds his bread crumbs…drumroll….Fred the Bread Shed! He still needs a few little touch ups but he’s up and ready to use and has already carried one day of bread orders beautifully! I will still bring your bread down when I am home and if you have time, because getting to chat with you all and see your beautiful faces is literally my favorite part about this little bakery, but if you’re in a rush or I have errands I need to run and you’d like to be able to pick up your bread whenever, Fred is here to save the day! He even has lights inside if you need to pick up after dark! No worries if you’re paying with cash, Fred has an adorable little cupboard up top to hold the cash (please obviously bring correct change as Fred is not capable of dispensing money) I’ll eventually have a little cash box up there, for now maybe just a little honesty pouch. Please also watch your step, we will be sure to shovel and salt in front of Fred but please still be careful.

Here’s to a cozy weekend snuggled up eating bread and soup, watching some good movies (I highly recommend My Old Ass if you haven't already seen it) , or reading some good books (I am reading the Heart in Winter by Kevin Barry right now and it is gorgeous and brutal, set in Butte!)
Sending love to you all!